Tuesday 10 April 2012

Assalamualaikum :)

Assalamualaikum. To those who follow me on Twitter or Instagram would know that I am now wearing hijab. Alhamdulillah :)

When I started wearing hijab, the first thing I felt was complete and safe. When I performed my prayers, it was like all my problems just faded. No more burden. That heavy feeling in your chest ? Gone. As unbelievable as it sounds, it is what it is. It wasn't easy, really. I've been planning to wear hijab since I was in standard 6 but I guess a lot of things pulled me back but now I realized, I had to have faith in myself and Allah. Alhamdulillah, my friends supported me and stood by me when I was going through a drastic change. They never left my side. My life is a lot better now and I don't worry too much or even feel sad anymore. Because every time I have a problem, I pray and talk to Him about it. Remember, He is the best listener and He is always there for you.

To the guy who is trying his level best to change for me and accept me the way I am now, thank you. I can see that you're trying, don't give up. You're better than what you used to be, I know so. Insyaallah, if we're each others' jodoh, we'll eventually end up getting married and who knows, maybe grow old together ? It's all in Allah's hands, sayang so don't you worry. I love you so much, please keep that in mind.

Assalamualaikum :)

Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 1 out of 366 days.

                                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR !            

I know I was suppose to post this yesterday but I fell asleep. Haha. Have fun reading x

Can you believe it ? 2012 already. It felt like the holidays just begun for 2011 and look, school's already starting very soon. This holiday has been a total waste for me... I didn't do much. Just went out and stuff, nothing exciting. When I was waiting for 1st January 2012, I was hoping that one somebody would wish me Happy New Year but he didn't. I waited though, I did. When the clock strike 12, no wish, I knew I was just another friend but I didn't want to be. I fell down the stairs when the clock strike 12, I guess this year ain't gonna be so nice to me. I just thought it'd be different. For once. Honestly, he doesn't know how I feel about him because I didn't tell him. Even if I did, it would be a waste of time. Trust me. He won't feel the same way. So, why should I even think of telling him ? Well, enough about him. We all just opened a new chapter in our book. New chapter, new changes. Good changes. I think it's time we live life. Eat all that you can eat, love people who love you, ignore those who hate you, experience everything you can in life before you can't because life's too short to be wasted with tiny little useless things. Smile, love, laugh ! Happy New Year, people ! Let's start with a bismillahirrahmanirahim :)